You can save someone's life by donating your blood. “More blood, more life,” was the theme for World Blood Donor Day 2011 on the 14 of June to emphasize the critical need for more people all over the world to become lifesavers by donating blood regularly.
- Based on reports from 173 countries to WHO, around 93 million blood donors are donating annually.
- Every day in the U.S., about 36,000 units of red blood cells are needed.
- In the United States, about 21 million blood components are transfused per year.
- One donation can save about 3 lives.
- Every 2 seconds, someone needs a blood donation in the US
- To donate blood or platelets, you must be in good health.
- Your weight has to be at least 110 pounds or 49.89 kg.
- Your minimum age should be 16 years old.
- Your maximum age should be 65. If you are more than 65 then you need to have a doctor's approval.
- You have a cold, flu, sore throat, cold sore, infections.
- If you have recently had a tattoo or body piercing then you can't donate for 6 months.
- You have tested positive for hepatitis B or hepatitis C.
- You have a sexual relationship in the past 12 months with someone who has hepatitis B or hepatitis C.
- You have AIDS.
- You have used injectable drugs, including anabolic steroids, in the last three months.
- Blood donors must wait at least 56 days between blood donations.
- Platelet donors can donate platelet every 7 days.
- 1 pint of blood is taken during blood donation. 1 pint is 473.176 ml. Or approximately 1 unit of blood can be donated.
Power red is identical to a whole blood donation, with the exception that a special system is used to safely donate two units of red blood cells in one donation while holding your plasma and platelets.
Donating blood not only improves your mental health but also improves your physical health. Donating blood has benefits for your emotional and physical health. According to a report by the Mental Health Foundation, helping others can:
- reduce stress
- improve your emotional well-being
- benefit your physical health
- help get rid of negative feelings
- provide a sense of belonging and reduce isolation
You must undergo a health check to donate blood. This checkup is done by a professional staff member. They check your
- pulse
- blood pressure
- body temperature
- hemoglobin levels
It gives an idea about how well your body is. They also test many dangerous diseases. Such as:
- hepatitis B
- hepatitis C
- HIV etc
- Children who have anemia need a lot of blood
- Much complex surgery needs blood
- Cancer patients need blood because of the loss of the blood in surgery, chemotherapy. Blood cancer and Bone marrow cancer is another factor for the constant need of blood
- After childbirth, a woman needs blood
- After accidents patients need a lot of blood
- some people may feel dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea.
- bruising
- continued bleeding
- pain
- physical weakness
- You have to register first for donating blood.
- You will be asked about your health history, places you've visited.
- What medications you are in now.
- Your temperature, blood pressure, hemoglobin will be measured.
- Blood donation only needs about 8nto 10 minutes.
- But the time of your arrival to leave takes approximately 1 hour.